“Improving quality of place is a very important part of developing a community,” says Adrian Bergles, Chief Administrative Officer of the Village of Canal Flats.
Committed to improving accessibility and overall aesthetic, Canal Flats turned to the Trust’s Community Outdoor Revitalization Grants. With this support, it built an outdoor covered pavilion and public washrooms.
These help make the park a more attractive a gathering place, especially during events like Canal Days and the Flats Fest Music Festival. This is just the first step of a significant plan to enhance Canal Flats’ downtown streetscape.

COMMUNITY OUTDOOR REVITALIZATION GRANTSThis program supports Basin communities to create, restore or enhance welcoming, safe and vibrant outdoor multi-use community spaces that support community gathering and programming.
This program supports Basin communities to create, restore or enhance welcoming, safe and vibrant outdoor multi-use community spaces that support community gathering and programming.