The new $4-million Columbia Lake Recreation Centre is the largest project the community of Ɂakisq’nuk has ever undertaken.
“This project was an absolute priority for this community,” says Heather Rennebohm, Economic Development Officer.
The 22,400-square-foot complex houses a gymnasium, elevated track, exercise room and more, including office space for a variety of community services. From design to construction, the Trust-supported project provided jobs and training for community members and provides employment today to the people who help make the place run.
The facility opened in spring 2019 and is already making an impact in the community and beyond. From intramural sports to hosting tournaments, the centre offers something for everyone when it comes to improving health through sports and activities.
Anyone from anywhere can use the facility, which runs activities for all ages and a range of interests.
“This community is not separate. We are all part of the larger whole.”
Chief Alfred Joseph