Glass art heats up on social

Katherine Russell, glass artist, shifts her focus to improve her online presence and reach more people following one-on-one coaching from the Trust’s Basin Business Advisors Program.

A chocolate sensation gets a business boost

Beth Campbell approached the Trust’s Basin Business Advisor’s, which offers free, one-to-one, confidential business counselling–to take her business to the next level.

A recipe for long-term success

Theo Walta bought the Invermere Bakery in 2021 with financing from the Trust, an essential ingredient to support the succession and sustainability of a long-standing Invermere business.

A Landscape Architecture Firm Grows

With the support of the Trust’s Career Internship Program, Jason Jones hired Elizabeth Lyle to strengthen and grow his landscape architecture business in Golden, BC.

Insulation business finds solutions through RevUp program

Over the course of eight months in 2020, President Jesse Ewing and Vice-President Greg Kreutz participated in Basin RevUp, Columbia Basin Trust’s advanced business accelerator program that supports high-achieving companies poised for rapid growth.

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