6 Top Tips From Basin Residents To Start Making A Difference

We asked people in the Basin to share their top tips on how they are working to become more climate conscious.

1 minute read

We asked people in the Basin to share their top tips on how they are working to become more climate conscious. Here are some of them.

  • “As much as possible, eat locally grown food – either your own or from one of our amazing young agrarians.” – Lorri
  • “So easy to do small things like shop locally from small farms and growers, plant a garden, recycle, reuse… every little bit helps!” – Loralie
  • “Don’t beat yourself up for not being as “green” as someone else. Or for not being part of the change earlier. It is not a competition. Start where you are!” – Michelle

“Every little change helps and motivates you to do more. Try eating 1 supper a week without meat and slowly add more days. Bike to work once a week and once you see how good you feel you’ll want to do it more often!” – Chantal

  • “Set yourself up with small goals, accomplish those and work your way up to bigger goals in: bettering the environment, shopping locally, biking/walking more, driving less. Become a key player in helping those around you who want to accomplish these goals as well. Ask them to go biking, go shopping locally, carpool.” – Tania
  • “Think about your consumption; can you buy used? Can you share items with others who need them? Re-purpose things to give them new life? It’s amazing how you can shift your mindset once you put your footprint in focus.” – Kim

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