A Commitment to Climate

Basin communities become more climate resilient.

2 minute read

Basin communities become more climate resilient

People living in the Basin care deeply about the environment and the impacts of climate change. To address the issue, people, organizations and communities in the Basin are exploring solutions through a variety of methods, with support from the Trust. In addition to the projects featured here, the Trust is also helping local governments and First Nations focus on aspects like doing energy retrofits for community-use buildings or obtaining the resources they need if disasters like wildfires strike.


The Cranbrook Food Bank picks up and delivers 136,000 kilograms per year of food recovered from local grocers. To move it and other items around, it is purchasing a plug-in hybrid vehicle. This cuts emissions and costs, all while feeding people and keeping food from rotting.


The Community Energy Association (CEA) is working to highlight clean energy and energy-efficient options for Basin homeowners, in partnership with the City of Rossland. CEA is also hosting training opportunities for tradespeople, contractors and post-secondary students to support growing interest for building retrofits Basin-wide.


Columbia Basin Climate Source is a one-stop destination for information about climate change, climate change impacts and climate action. How long will the growing season be in 20 years? Why is a 1°C increase in temperature such a big deal? Answers for these questions and more are at basinclimatesource.ca.


Households in Kimberley and Nelson can benefit from new organics diversion programs. In addition, the Regional District of Central Kootenay is implementing a collection service in rural areas and small towns. Projects like these decrease food in landfills, reducing greenhouse gas emissions while addressing concerns about conflicts between residents and wildlife.


Kootenay Car Share is buying two low-speed electric vehicles that community members will be able to borrow. The mini-cars seat four passengers, have a maximum speed of 40 kilometres/hour and can go a distance of 90 kilometres—perfect for in-city needs. Also, since 2021 nine other non-profits have replaced fossil-fuel vehicles with electric vehicles through Trust support.

Nine climate-friendly ideas suggested by Basin residents:

1. Grow your own food.

2. When buying food, choose local.

3. Drive less, carpool, complete several chores at once or share a car.

4. Consider more enviro-friendly transportation methods, like bikes.

5. Save energy through actions like turning off lights and using appliances less.

6. Consider home retrofits like solar panels and heat pumps to use less energy and save money in the long term.

7. Reduce consumption and waste by buying fewer items and purchasing products with minimal packaging.

8. Recycle and compost.

9. Reuse and repurpose: for example, wear second-hand clothes or use old barrels to catch rain.

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